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Equal Access Accessibility Checker ACT Implementation

Number of Rules Implemented
Consistent Partially consistent
WCAG 2 rules 16 4
Proposed rules 7 6

Implemented Rules

Rule Name Type Consistency
autocomplete attribute has valid value WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Button has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Element with lang attribute has valid language tag WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Element marked as decorative is not exposed WCAG 2 Rule Partial
Form field has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
HTML page has lang attribute WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
HTML page lang attribute has valid language tag WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
HTML page lang and xml:lang attributes have matching values WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
HTML page has non-empty title WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Image button has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Image has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Partial
Letter spacing in style attributes is not !important WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Link has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Partial
Word spacing in style attributes is not !important WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
SVG element with explicit role has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Element with presentational children has no focusable content WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Line height in style attributes is not !important WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
Meta viewport allows for zoom WCAG 2 Rule Partial
Object element rendering non-text content has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 Rule Consistent
ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA Proposed Rule Consistent
ARIA required context role Proposed Rule Partial
ARIA required owned elements Proposed Rule Partial
ARIA state or property is permitted Proposed Rule Partial
ARIA state or property has valid value Proposed Rule Partial
Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property Proposed Rule Consistent
Id attribute value is unique Proposed Rule Consistent
Iframe element has non-empty accessible name Proposed Rule Partial
Menuitem has non-empty accessible name Proposed Rule Consistent
Role attribute has valid value Proposed Rule Consistent
Element with role attribute has required states and properties Proposed Rule Consistent
Text has minimum contrast Proposed Rule Partial
Visible label is part of accessible name Proposed Rule Consistent

About Equal Access Accessibility Checker Results

ACT rule results were generated using the latest accessibility-checker from NPM using the ACT test driver. Results were created using the preview archive and the IBM_Accessibility policy. Mappings from ACT Rules to Accessibility Checker rule ids and reason codes can be found in the act property of rule definitions. Results indicate the rule ids and reason codes related to the ACT rule are generated in the following format:


Results in this page are taken from a public test report published by IBM Accessibility. Data is published using the EARL+JSON-LD data format.

Implementation Details

autocomplete attribute has valid value

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG21_Input_Autocomplete:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2,Fail_attribute_incorrect procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the autocomplete attribute has valid value WCAG 2 rule. It covers 20 of the 21 examples. For 1 example no results were reported. This can happen when examples are newer then the test results. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
  • 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 6 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 7 inapplicable
Passed Example 9 * untested

*: These examples are not yet approved for the rule. Results on these outcomes are not taken into consideration determining the consistency and coverage.

Button has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Input_ExplicitLabel:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Button has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 17 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable

Element with lang attribute has valid language tag

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the element_lang_valid:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Element with lang attribute has valid language tag WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 19 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 3.1.2 Language of Parts
  • 3.1.2 Language of Parts
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Failed Example 6 failed
Failed Example 7 failed
Failed Example 8 failed
Failed Example 9 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 passed
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 * inapplicable

*: These examples are not yet approved for the rule. Results on these outcomes are not taken into consideration determining the consistency and coverage.

Element marked as decorative is not exposed

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the aria_attribute_allowed:Pass,Fail_invalid_role_attr,Fail_invalid_implicit_role_attr procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Element marked as decorative is not exposed WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 10 examples. The implementation reports different success criteria as failed from what is expected by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 inapplicable
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 inapplicable
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 inapplicable
Passed Example 6 inapplicable
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 passed

Form field has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Input_ExplicitLabel:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Form field has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 19 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Failed Example 6 failed
Failed Example 7 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Passed Example 8 * passed
Failed Example 8 * failed

*: These examples are not yet approved for the rule. Results on these outcomes are not taken into consideration determining the consistency and coverage.

HTML page has lang attribute

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Html_HasLang:Pass_0,Fail_3, and html_lang_valid:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedures. Failed examples should be failed by at least one of these procedures. The implementation is fully consistent with the HTML page has lang attribute WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 7 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 3.1.1 Language of Page
  • 3.1.1 Language of Page
Test Results
WCAG20_Html_HasLang:Pass_0,Fail_3 html_lang_valid:Pass_0,Fail_1
Passed Example 1 passed passed
Failed Example 1 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 2 failed failed
Failed Example 3 passed failed
Failed Example 4 failed passed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable inapplicable

HTML page lang attribute has valid language tag

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the html_lang_valid:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2,Fail_3 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the HTML page lang attribute has valid language tag WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 7 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 3.1.1 Language of Page
  • 3.1.1 Language of Page
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable

HTML page lang and xml:lang attributes have matching values

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Html_HasLang:Pass_0,Fail_4,Fail_5 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the HTML page lang and xml:lang attributes have matching values WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 12 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 3.1.1 Language of Page
  • 3.1.1 Language of Page
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 passed
Inapplicable Example 6 passed
Inapplicable Example 7 passed

HTML page has non-empty title

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Doc_HasTitle:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2,Fail_3 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the HTML page has non-empty title WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 11 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 2.4.2 Page Titled
  • 2.4.2 Page Titled
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable

Image button has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Input_ExplicitLabelImage:Pass_0,Pass_1,Pass_2,Fail, and Rpt_Aria_ValidIdRef:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedures. Failed examples should be failed by at least one of these procedures. The implementation is fully consistent with the Image button has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 12 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
WCAG20_Input_ExplicitLabelImage:Pass_0,Pass_1,Pass_2,Fail Rpt_Aria_ValidIdRef:Pass_0,Fail_1
Passed Example 1 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 2 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 3 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 4 passed passed
Failed Example 1 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 2 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 3 passed failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable inapplicable

Image has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the HAAC_Aria_ImgAlt:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2,Fail_3 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Image has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers 15 of the 18 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
Test Results
Passed Example 1 inapplicable
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 inapplicable
Passed Example 5 inapplicable
Passed Example 6 inapplicable
Passed Example 7 inapplicable
Passed Example 8 inapplicable
Failed Example 1 inapplicable
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 inapplicable
Failed Example 4 inapplicable
Failed Example 5 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable

Letter spacing in style attributes is not !important

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the text_spacing_valid:pass,fail_letter_spacing_style,fail_word_spacing_style,fail_line_height_style procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Letter spacing in style attributes is not !important WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 16 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable

Link has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_A_HasText:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Link has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 28 examples. The implementation reports different success criteria as failed from what is expected by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
  • 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)

Word spacing in style attributes is not !important

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the text_spacing_valid:pass,fail_letter_spacing_style,fail_word_spacing_style,fail_line_height_style procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Word spacing in style attributes is not !important WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 16 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable

SVG element with explicit role has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the HAAC_Aria_ImgAlt:Pass_0,Fail_2, and HAAC_Aria_SvgAlt:Pass_0,Fail_2 procedures. Failed examples should be failed by at least one of these procedures. The implementation is fully consistent with the SVG element with explicit role has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 10 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
Test Results
HAAC_Aria_ImgAlt:Pass_0,Fail_2 HAAC_Aria_SvgAlt:Pass_0,Fail_2
Passed Example 1 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 2 inapplicable passed
Passed Example 3 inapplicable passed
Failed Example 1 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 2 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 3 inapplicable failed
Failed Example 4 failed inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable inapplicable

Element with presentational children has no focusable content

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the aria_descendant_valid:pass,potential_child_implicit_role,fail_child_explicit_role procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Element with presentational children has no focusable content WCAG 2 rule. It covers 5 of the 7 examples. On 2 examples the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 cannot tell
Failed Example 3 cannot tell
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable

Headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the table_headers_ref_valid:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2,Fail_3,Fail_4 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 18 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 passed
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 6 * inapplicable

*: These examples are not yet approved for the rule. Results on these outcomes are not taken into consideration determining the consistency and coverage.

Line height in style attributes is not !important

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the text_spacing_valid:pass,fail_letter_spacing_style,fail_word_spacing_style,fail_line_height_style procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Line height in style attributes is not !important WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 21 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Passed Example 9 passed
Passed Example 10 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Failed Example 6 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable

Meta viewport allows for zoom

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the meta_viewport_zoom:Pass_0,Potential_1 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Meta viewport allows for zoom WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 11 examples. The implementation reports different success criteria as failed from what is expected by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.4.4 Resize text
  • 1.4.4 Resize text
  • 1.4.10 Reflow
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable

Object element rendering non-text content has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Object_HasText:pass,fail_no_text_alternative procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Object element rendering non-text content has non-empty accessible name WCAG 2 rule. It covers all 18 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Failed Example 6 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 6 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 7 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 8 inapplicable

ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the Rpt_Aria_ValidProperty:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA proposed rule. It covers all 7 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable

ARIA required context role

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the Rpt_Aria_RequiredParent_Native_Host_Sematics:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA required context role proposed rule. It covers 14 of the 15 examples. The implementation reports different success criteria as failed from what is expected by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 passed
Failed Example 4 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 passed

ARIA required owned elements

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the aria_child_valid:Pass,Fail_no_child,Fail_invalid_child procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA required owned elements proposed rule. It covers all 17 examples. The implementation reports different success criteria as failed from what is expected by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 failed
Failed Example 5 failed
Failed Example 6 failed
Failed Example 7 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 passed
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable

ARIA state or property is permitted

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the aria_attribute_allowed:Pass,Fail_invalid_role_attr,Fail_invalid_implicit_role_attr procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA state or property is permitted proposed rule. It covers 15 of the 16 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Passed Example 9 passed
Passed Example 10 inapplicable
Passed Example 11 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 passed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable

ARIA state or property has valid value

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the Rpt_Aria_ValidPropertyValue:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA state or property has valid value proposed rule. It covers 22 of the 24 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 inapplicable
Passed Example 6 passed
Passed Example 7 passed
Passed Example 8 passed
Passed Example 9 passed
Passed Example 10 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 passed
Failed Example 5 failed
Failed Example 6 failed
Failed Example 7 failed
Failed Example 8 failed
Failed Example 9 failed
Failed Example 10 passed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable

Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the element_orientation_unlocked:pass,fail_locked procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property proposed rule. It covers all 10 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.3.4 Orientation
  • 1.3.4 Orientation
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable

Id attribute value is unique

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the RPT_Elem_UniqueId:Pass_0,Fail_1,Fail_2 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Id attribute value is unique proposed rule. It covers all 10 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.1 Parsing
  • 4.1.1 Parsing
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 passed

Iframe element has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG20_Frame_HasTitle:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Iframe element has non-empty accessible name proposed rule. It covers 9 of the 10 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Failed Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable

Menuitem has non-empty accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the Rpt_Aria_WidgetLabels_Implicit:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Menuitem has non-empty accessible name proposed rule. It covers all 8 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable

Role attribute has valid value

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the Rpt_Aria_ValidRole:Pass_0,Fail_2,Potential_1 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Role attribute has valid value proposed rule. It covers 9 of the 10 examples. On 1 example the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 cannot tell
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 5 inapplicable

Element with role attribute has required states and properties

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the Rpt_Aria_RequiredProperties:Pass_0,Fail_1, and combobox_popup_reference:Pass_1.0_expanded,Pass_1.0_collapsed,Pass_1.2_expanded,Pass_1.2_collapsed,Fail_1.2_missing_controls,Fail_1.2_popup_reference_missing procedures. Failed examples should be failed by at least one of these procedures. The implementation is fully consistent with the Element with role attribute has required states and properties proposed rule. It covers all 15 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test Results
Rpt_Aria_RequiredProperties:Pass_0,Fail_1 combobox_popup_reference:Pass_1.0_expanded,Pass_1.0_collapsed,Pass_1.2_expanded,Pass_1.2_collapsed,Fail_1.2_missing_controls,Fail_1.2_popup_reference_missing
Passed Example 1 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 2 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 3 passed inapplicable
Passed Example 4 inapplicable inapplicable
Passed Example 5 inapplicable inapplicable
Passed Example 6 passed passed
Failed Example 1 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 2 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 3 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 4 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 5 failed inapplicable
Failed Example 6 passed failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 inapplicable inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable inapplicable

Text has minimum contrast

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the IBMA_Color_Contrast_WCAG2AA_PV:Pass_0,Potential_1 procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Text has minimum contrast proposed rule. It covers 19 of the 32 examples. On 4 examples the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. For 2 examples no results were reported. This can happen when examples are newer then the test results. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
  • 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)

Visible label is part of accessible name

This rule is implemented by Equal Access Accessibility Checker using the WCAG21_Label_Accessible:Pass_0,Fail_1 procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Visible label is part of accessible name proposed rule. It covers all 13 examples. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 2.5.3 Label in Name
  • 2.5.3 Label in Name
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 passed
Passed Example 5 passed
Passed Example 6 passed
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 2 passed
Inapplicable Example 3 inapplicable
Inapplicable Example 4 passed
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