W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Home

Making the Web Accessible

Strategies, standards, and supporting resources to help you make the Web more accessible to people with disabilities.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops international standards for the Web: HTML, CSS, and many more.


The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops standards and support materials to help you understand and implement accessibility.


You can use W3C WAI resources to make your websites, applications, and other digital creations more accessible and usable to everyone.


Current Work

(updated monthly)

See What We're Working On – Accessibility Activities and Publications

Updated: WCAG 2.2 Candidate Recommendation Draft


WCAG 2.2 ‘Candidate Recommendation’ draft is updated. A list of changes, status, and expected publication date is kept up-to-date in What’s New in WCAG 2.2 Draft. Please submit any comments by 17 February 2023.

Call for Implementations: WAI-Adapt: Symbols Module Candidate Recommendation


WAI-Adapt: Symbols Module is a technical specification that enables symbols to replace text in web content. It's now a W3C 'Candidate Recommendation'. That means we're seeking example implementations. To learn more, start with the e-mail announcement and the WAI-Adapt Overview.

Invitation: AI and Accessibility Symposium, 10-11 January 2023, online


You are invited to the Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium 10–11 January 2023. This online symposium brings together researchers, academics, industry, government, and people with disabilities to explore an aspect of emerging technology for accessibility: artificial intelligence (AI). Program, schedule, and registration information is in the meeting page. The symposium is free, and registration is required by 5 January 2023.

New Resources: For CMS, LMS, no-code website builders, and other authoring tools


New resources encourage content management systems (CMS), learning management systems (LMS), social media platforms, and no-code website tools to be more accessible. For vendors: We invite you to submit information about accessibility support in your tool for the Authoring Tools List. For everyone: To introduce accessibility issues and how the web standard Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) applies to specific types of tools, you can share with developers, project managers, and others: Standards to Make Your LMS Accessible, Guidelines to Make Your Social Media Platform Accessible, Guidelines to Make Your No-Code Website Tool Accessible.

ACT Rules for Accessibility Evaluation Tools And Methodologies


Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules help evaluation tools and methodologies produced accurate, consistent results. ACT Rules help test accessibility standards more reliably. Learn more About ACT Rules. We encourage evaluation tools and methodologies to implement the individual ACT Rules and to share your implementation report on the W3C WAI website. Learn about submitting an implementation.

For Review: Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements - First Draft


Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements is available as a First Public Draft Note. It addresses features and capabilities unique to interactive, collaborative content creation and editing applications. We particularly invite input on additional user needs and issues that are not yet addressed in this early draft, including the needs of users with cognitive and learning disabilities. Please send comments by 30 December 2022.

Updated Resource: Content Author Modules in Curricula on Web Accessibility


Curricula on Web Accessibility now has new content author modules. This curricula provides a framework for creating courses on digital accessibility, for including accessibility in other courses, and for reviewing and comparing existing and proposed courses. The September 2022 publication adds new content author modules. These modules focus on teaching accessibility to writers, editors, content creators, and content publishers.

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